Version 2

bob the blob v2

Version 2 has unity analytics-enabled, by downloading and playing it you accept to have your data collected. 

 Has unity analytics - collects data on

-- Character use/swap

--Damage taken

--Health restored

--First interaction

--Level/Game Complete


Speed increased

--Main character Speed increased from 2-3

--Floaty character from 0.5-1.5

Stickiness adjustments - (Primary character)

--New method of managing the edge force for smoother taking edges (edge are exterior corners)

--Increased Raycast length for edge detection, increases the reliability of turning and fixes the bug with being trapped on 1 tile wide edges.

--New formula to manage edge force, prevents flying and accounts for any future speed changes.

Next update:

Improved Data collection: 

--more events to track data

--new survey to reflect on changes

Level 5

- - Larger style level for players to toy around with the game more.

Audio -(basic sounds)

--Characters movement/swapping

--Feedback sounds e.g. spike traps, splashing on water etc

General improvements

--animated tiles for moving straps

-- Ui for character Swap

-- Main menu

--Quit/pause function

Additional charges based on data/feedback.


Bob the Blob 20 MB
Jan 01, 2021
Bob the Blob V2.rar 19 MB
Jan 05, 2021

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