A downloadable game

Nestled in a rural Scottish Glen, the fictional town of “Bearnock” is beset by disaster when Scotland suffers a devastating ecological collapse.

An isometric (bird’s eye view), resource management and strategy game, set in Northeast Scotland. With an emphasis on the geography and ecology of the Scottish Landscape and cultural mythology, the intention behind this game is to make users aware of the critical nature of land-use and how interconnected humans are with the land. 

Developed In Collaboration with the University of Abertay, SEDA and SEFARI Gateway by students as part of the Master of Profession thesis. All students are credited within the game.

My Role: Technical Designer


Stone & Veil Windows.zip 86 MB
Stone & Veil Android.zip 74 MB

Install instructions

2 builds have been provided:

download pc or Android build depending on your system unzip and run the exe

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